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dirty boxing
It’s a spectrum
It’s a spectrum of Movement and responses over time. Analytically combat is about dissecting time. And hopefully having the necessary tools to take advantage of opportunity across the spectrum. Personal Combat is about very quick slices of time where large format combat can take years. The way that Silat Dirty Boxing (PSP) is designed is…
Jurus Introduction
Dirty Boxing Fight Kinetics
It’s time to kick 2017 to the curb! You’re going to be hitting hard, fast, and often after this.
We’ll be focusing on, Damaging power, Staying away until it’s time to hit, Picking the right spots, and Ferociously unleashing
GUEST BLOG: Is Your MA Too Slow?
If anyone reading this needs any help defending themselves from someone who throws a single punch and stands there, let me know, because I have an extensive library of techniques in my DVDs that apparently have been built for that exact situation.
VLOG 8 Prepared and Unprepared Fighting
If you don’t like reading here’s a VLOG you can refer to. Prepared = Dueling, squaring off, agreed fighting — not just weapons use Unprepared = Ambushes, Muggings, Does your MA only practice for prepared confrontations, where both fighters are prepared? Or do you practice for unprepared situations? The history of MA…
VLOG 4: Silat Range Control
Understanding your range and the necessity to control the range is far more important than a bunch of terminology. Does your system actually train range or does it assume range?
VLOG 6 & Being prepared.
Preparedness is not a moment in time. Being. Prepared. Is a current state of living. It requires attendance. It requires study. It requires training. It requires practice. And it requires testing. (See previous blog post.) It doesn’t just happen.