This word is packed with a lot of meaning within Pencak Silat Pertempuran. In fact, so much so, that you cannot be part of what we do without moving towards Silaturahim in all that you do and represent. It just simply cannot be. So what does it mean? We are brothers and sisters. Yep. We are an extended family to each other. And to a certain extent, even those who practice other styles of pencak silat.
What does that mean? Well I’m in the middle of a pretty heavy family situation. And honestly, I’ve faced several as have others within Silat Pertempuran. Each time, it is our pencak silat that brings us together, that gives us a reprieve from the crap we find in life, and from which we can draw our strength in response to these events. But even more, the ability of these brothers and sisters, some of which have been involved on the shorter side of fifteen years, to show support in whatever fashion is needed and possible.
In addition, they all have the passion to continue to train, grow, and share PSP, no matter how long they have been seen as Silaturahim in Pencak Silat Pertempuran. This impacts it’s direction and development for those who are currently involved and those who are yet to come. What you may not have considered, is that it is also for those who do not find the path of PSP to their particular liking. We don’t care. Good luck! Be well. Grow! Bring respect, dignity, and growth to pencak silat. We want to support everyone who is working towards good silaturahim in pencak silat. It helps all of us if we respect and support each other.
We will always help others with opportunities for growth and exposure of pencak silat. Some of the ways we do that is by providing avenues for pencak silat only material in social media and by giving people the opportunity to post their events and training opportunities as well. Additionally, by encouraging the sharing of other peoples events, schools, etc. Recently I added the World Silat Directory on my website for instructors, school owners, group leaders, etc. Anyone that is sharing pencak silat.
What I’ve found interesting over the years is just how hard it is to be helpful to people. It’s not hard to make the initial effort, it’s hard to keep making the effort when you’re met with jealousy, fear, skepticism, and all sorts of insecurities by those you are trying to help. People write me and ask if so-and-so can list or post? They try to convince me not to allow it because that will cause some political blah blah blah to happen. My response is the same, I will continue to try and help others—regardless and I will not succumb to the horrible displays of respect and honor that are displayed by some. If that is your manner, if your insecurities, fears, and jealousy keep you from acting with respect and honor then I will keep my distance but I will still offer you a hand along the way as it is appropriate. That is the best way to stay on the path.
These values are so important to us that they are the first two points of the Pencak Silat Pertempuran—Manifesto:
- Do not accept scarcity. Work hard and use your abilities, and your skills to support, teach, and lead others. Share what you have. Anything else is living in scarcity—which is just another word for fear. If the one succeeds it’s better for us all. Lets join in and help. Otherwise we will damage not only Pencak Silat Pertempuran’s reputation, but we will continue to damage the community of pencak silat around the world.
- Everyone has a way. It’s not yours. Let’s help those who do not find what we do to their liking by inviting them to leave and find their way to a path that’s suitable for them. This goes back to number one—Scarcity. How to know when to let go: laziness, complaining, contrary, turmoil in their life. They do not develop fruit. These people, if too close, will pull you into their life and pull you off the path of prosperity and growth. Misery truly does love company.
Take care and keep training.
Guru Stark
Defend. Disrupt. Disable. Destroy.